I hope all is well with you all. The farm has been a bit low key the past couple days. We have been working in the garden mostly, planting seeds, transpanting, preparing new rows for future veggie humble abodes. Today we also worked in the woodlot, clearing out a rather large pile of brush. We would have taken before and after pictures - you would be amazed - but alas, no phone. sowwwwwy!
A couple wonderings we have had since our last post are such -
How fast is a shooting star traveling? It seems to cover such a long distance, and it is quite mind boggling to think about. If someone would be willing to explain such things to us, that would be swell. Also, starfish. When you cut an arm off of a starfish, and it grows into another starfish, or a worm or whatever....it works with multiple creatures if I'm not mistaken...would that starfish be able to communicate with it's other half on a deeper level (like would they share the same mind and memories and things?)? Just random thoughts.
Austin finished his book today, which is always exciting. I have only 7 chapters left of the Secret Life of Plants. I highly recommend this book to EVERYONE. It is so fascinating, I feel like my whole outlook on life in general is totally different now. I love it. And I love you.
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